• Membership-Benefits.png

  • Why Join the Chamber?

  • Online Benefits Online Benefits

    Personal login and password allowing access to add and update your benefits from any computer that has an active connection to the internet – anytime – day or night!

    • FREE Listing on the Chamber’s Online Business Directory
    • 200 character Business description
    • Hours of operation
    • Driving directions
    • Personalized keywords
  • Marketing Opportunities Marketing Opportunities

    • Hot Deals – Enter ads or coupons that display prominently on the Chamber’s website
    • Job Postings – Post job openings for those actively seeking employment
    • Events - Submit events for consideration on the Chamber and Community Calendar
  • Real-time, Up-to-Date Access Real-time, Up-to-Date Access

    • Keep the Chamber’s Database current
    • See the categories where your Business is listed
    • Keep your list of employees current
    • RSVP for Events
  • Member Benefits

    Grand Opening/Open House:
    We will invite the media, chamber board of directors, chamber ambassadors and the general public to your ribbon cutting, supply the ribbon for the ceremony, bring our giant wooden scissors and organize the photo shoot. Your event will be presented to the Greensburg Daily News, WTRE and WRBI radio station for their consideration of publication and broadcast. Your event will also appear on the Chamber of Commerce Facebook page and other social media sites.

    Community Maps:
    Over 5,000 maps will be distributed over the next 3 years. You can be a part of the next Community Map effort.

    Bulk Mail Permit:
    Save money on your next mailer by using the Chamber bulk mail permit which allows you to send your material at a reduced USPS rate.

    My Chamber App:
    Your business is already mobile with Decatur County’s first Smartphone App.


    Website Listing & Links:
    Every member is listed on our Chamber website with links to their own sites. The membership directory averages nearly 10,000 distinct viewers each month.

    Copier & Fax Service:
    50 free black and white copies per month and color copies for just .25 each. You also have access to our fax machine for sending and receiving.

    Business & Personal Insurance  Discounts:
    Save money on your insurance through the Auto Owners insurance chamber program offered through Doerflinger Insurance, or Witkemper Insurance.

    Office 360:
    A supplier of office products and break room supplies, Office 360 offers special chamber member only pricing with next day delivery service. Plus, when you buy from Office 360, the Greensburg/Decatur County Chamber of Commerce receives a portion of profits at the end of the year with this terrific Affinity program.

    Local Education & Training:
    The Chamber brings continuing education to our community throughout the year helping businesses keep their staff trained for less cost and less time away from the job.

    Member Publications:
    Chamber members with email get an electronic newsletter, Weekly Update.

    Free Business Counseling:
    Get free assistance from chamber staff and the Small Business Development Center counselors on issues such as business plans, marketing strategies and financing.

    Our staff  continuously keeps an eye on business issues in our community, state and nation. We are there to represent you and the interests of the business community.


    Networking Opportunities:
    There is no better marketing than meeting a potential customer face to face and developing a relationship of trust. Participation in chamber functions put you in touch with hundreds of potential customers throughout the year.

    Community Involvement:
    The chamber offers  many opportunities to get involved in the community through a variety of activities, committees and chamber sponsored community projects.

    Legal Updates:
    Keep on top of the ever changing business regulations through chamber publications and informational meetings offered throughout the year.

    Facebook listing:
    Send us your event information or Facebook posting and we will add to our Facebook page.

    Referral Service:
    The Chamber is one of the most widely used referral and information sources for products & services.

  • Upcoming Events
